A few weeks ago, five Perspektiv team members took part in the Brigadoon Super Challenge, a bike race held in the Perth Hills. Amelia Warner our Marketing & Comms Lead, was one of the five, here's how she found the whole experience!
There was a choice of two distances, the 50km and 100km race. With it being my first road race, I was more than happy to settle for the 50km along with my colleagues Khilane Kissane and Julia Bairstow. The brave among us signed up for the 100km (which did I mention also featured an elevation gain 2000m) Unfortunately, in the days leading up to the race Julia was struck by Covid 19, so we were a woman down in the 50km race, but we still had three strong candidates for the 100km race; principal consultant (and all round superman) Patrick Jeannerat , our managing director Patrick Ilott, and senior consultant William Westaway.
With little training in the bag, and after a terrible night’s sleep worrying about the race, the morning had arrived - it was race day!
The race began at 7.30am at the swan Brewery, it was a cold start, but we all arrived with time to spare, so in true Perspektiv style we ordered a round of coffees. Little did we know that the race briefing was happening right next to us, as we sipped on our coffees and enjoyed some pre-race snacks. Before we knew it a race marshal was calling out to us and herding us towards the race start point, which was a few km away (a crucial part of the race briefing).
So, we got on our bikes and cycled over to the starting point (Will and Khil still with their coffees in hand). Somehow we managed to squeeze in just before the last of the cyclists, it was quite a small crowd, and we were certainly the most novice, but our spirits were high and our Perspektiv lycra was on point!

The race began with a 300m climb to the most magical view overlooking the Bells Rapids (which helped ease my severe leg burn). The route then continued deep into the hills along some wonderfully windy roads. When we reached our first pit stop at 19.8km, the race split in two and the 100km race continued deep into the hills. This is where we also had a good chat with one of the race marshals who told us that there was another pit stop at 34.5 km. Happy at the thought of just another 15km until the next refreshment stop, both me and Khil set off on the next leg of the race.
After a significant amount of time passed, and as my leg burn intensified, I couldn’t help but wonder when this next pit stop was going to show itself. Having activated my fit bit a little late, it wasn’t tracking the accurate distance and I had absolutely no idea where I was in the race. As even more time passed and my whole body now started to hurt, I finally approached what seemed to be the second pit stop! Hallelujah! As I casually cycled through, an MC announced my name, congratulating me on finishing the race. I looked back, very confused and replied, “is this not the second pit stop”. The MC laughed and then explained how the 50km race did not have a second pit stop. Slightly relieved and a little dazed, I sat and waited for Khil who passed the finishing line shortly after, looking just as confused!
! Moral of the story – Don’t miss the race briefing 😝
After the race we returned to the Swan Brewery for a well-deserved beer and some good old pub grub. After just the one we were all ready for bed, but still high on all the adrenaline.
It was such a great experience and even more amazing to share the achievement with my colleagues. I'm very grateful to Perspektiv for organising the whole event and for encouraging us to take part. It’s certainly a day that none of us will forget and we are already on the lookout for our next challenge, bring it on!