Our Perspektiv Teams from Perth, Sydney and Melbourne recently took part in National Reconciliation Week activities.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024 was Now More Than Ever, with the aim to remind people of the importance in continuing to fight for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights.

In Perth, our team took part in the Reconciliation WA NRW Walk for Reconciliation Boorloo. The team attended the journey which included a Welcome to Country, smoking ceremony, the walk, and performances in the Supreme Court Gardens.
In Sydney, the office where our team is based put on a Reconciliation Week Morning Tea, which was catered by Native Foodways who are a First Nations led social enterprise. They grow native foods and plants and cater all over Sydney. Our team were stoked with the delicious pastries!
In Melbourne, our team attended the Adventures in Designing Country event, hosted by Clarke Hopkins Clarke architects and Melbourne Connect. The discussion was centred on the question “how are commercial design practices and their clients incorporating 'Designing with Country' into their processes and cultures?’ The importance of Aboriginal engagement was highlighted, particular to ensure designers can help shape a future sustainable landscape that accurately incorporates Aboriginal culture and knowledge of sites into the design.
National Reconciliation Week runs every year from 27 May to 3 June, and more information about National Reconciliation Week can be found on the Reconciliation Australia website.