Our business planning, and our corporate governance is built around our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals form our core values and are at the heart of our Sustainability Policy.
For the period to the end of the Financial Year 2021/22 we have made a number of sustainability commitments which we aim to share with transparency and openness. Our Policy is split between the three main pillars of sustainability, and we believe this is the best way to create economic, environmental, and social value for people everywhere.
Economic Impacts
Become one of the leading sustainability consultancies in Australasia.
Become a certified B Corporation.
Increase revenue by 175% whilst maintaining a profit before tax margin of 20%.
Donate 1% of our turnover to the planet.
Continue to create jobs, pay well, and exceed minimum superannuation contribution.
Understand and promote sustainable procurement practices within our supply chain and that of our clients.
Understand and actively promote responsible investment.

Environmental Impacts
Help our community (the business, our employees, and their households) achieve net zero carbon emissions.
Provide carbon accounting and management services for all parts of the economy.
Enable our employees to commune with nature and spend worktime outside in our parks and wild places.
Promote the inherent value of our landscapes and the ability of all people to connect with and appreciate them.
Understand and promote opportunities to improve marine ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, water quality. Including via sustainable procurement (at work and at home).
Practice responsible consumption and production to eliminate waste and support the circular economy.
Social Impacts

Promote good health and wellbeing for our employees, our clients, our suppliers, and their families.
Allow flexible working practices to maintain low attrition rates.
Encourage movement, mindfulness, creativity, and connection by supporting employees in adventurous pursuits (be they physical, artistic, philanthropic, etc).
Volunteer 2.5% of staff's paid work time
Pursue a diverse and inclusive team with gender parity and respect for one another.
Create content that is educational and accessible, valuable, and engaging.
Learn more about our goals as a business; check out our sustainability policy, or download our infographic.