We all know that environmentally friendly buildings are not only better for the planet, but they also make happier and healthier spaces that we can all thrive in. In the past year alone, Perspektiv has delivered a number of NABERS Ratings and helped clients to understand the environmental performance of their building.
But what exactly is a NABERS Rating?
NABERS provides a rating from one to six stars to recognise the operational efficiency of buildings across: Energy, Water, Waste and Indoor Environment.

Principal Consultant Patrick Jeannerat is our most experienced NABERS Accredited Assessor and Supervisor and has helped our clients achieve several ratings this last year:
Office buildings through Colliers International, CygnetWest, Ron Farris Real Estate
1 apartment building (WA’s first 6-star rated apartment building: DeHavilland)
7 supervisions of NABERS assessments by NABERS Trainees across Australia (5 office buildings in NSW, QLD and WA, 1 retirement living village in NSW, 1 shopping centre in Victoria)
Consultant Chloe Burgan is our new NABERS Accredited Assessor and CBD Accredited Assessor and has already participated in two office buildings ratings and is lined up for five more in the pipeline.

Together both Patrick and Chloe can offer ratings on the following types of buildings:
Shopping Centres
Apartment Buildings
Retirement villages
If you are interested in getting a NABERS Rating or even a Climate Active Carbon-Neutral Certification for your building, contact one of our experts. We enjoy identifying opportunities and contemplating new challenges to improve the performance, durability and value of our buildings and have the availability to help. Together we will find a better way!