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Perspektiv is Climate Active Carbon-Neutral Certified

Writer: PerspektivPerspektiv

Updated: Jan 3, 2024

At Perspektiv we feel that it is as important to walk the walk as it is to talk the talk and so made it one of our business plan goals and part of our Sustainability Policy to become 100% Carbon Neutral.

After months of hard work from the team, analysing data and conducting research, we are pleased to announce that we have now achieved carbon neutral status for our organisation. This signals our genuine commitment to sustainability, innovation, and progressive leadership.

Our carbon footprint showed a total of 68 tonnes of CO2-e for which we purchased carbon offsets supporting the following projects:

More recently, we submitted our application to Climate Active and have just received our certificate and stamp of approval under the Climate Active carbon neutral standards for organisations and services.

So what does it mean for our clients?

All our consultancy services since July 2020 are Climate Active certified Carbon-Neutral. This is our contribution to help reduce the upstream Scope 3 impacts for products and services procured by our clients. In other words, clients will know that by doing business with us, they are choosing not only a carbon neutral organisation but also a carbon neutral service.

Looking forward, we are actively finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint through active commuting targets (we’re aiming for 50% of our commutes to be active e.g. walking or riding), tracking and separating our waste to increase recycling, composting and reduce the amount sent to landfill. We are currently planning our staff volunteering targets that will also focus on sustainable initiatives with some initiatives already underway such as rewilding and helping the local community.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming Carbon Neutral or getting your business or organisation Climate Active certified, engage us to deliver carbon neutral services that help reduce your organisations’ upstream scope 3 emissions in the supply chain. We can help you achieve and maintain carbon neutrality or even net-zero status. As Climate Active Registered Consultants we can also help you assess or independently validate your own carbon footprints and achieve and maintain carbon-neutrality or even net-zero emissions for buildings, precincts, organisations, products and services, and events.


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