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Recognising NAIDOC Week 2021


Updated: May 11, 2023

Yesterday marked the final day of NAIDOC Week for 2021 (Sunday 4 July – Sunday 11 July). This year’s theme – Heal Country! – really resonated with the Perspektiv team, and made us reflect on how the work we do, can support this vision.

Healing Country calls for all of us ‘to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction’. We recognise that much irreversible harm has been done to First Nations’ country across Australia, and that as non-Indigenous Australians we have a responsibility to support the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We live and work on what was and what will always be Indigenous land. As sustainability and infrastructure management practitioners we have a duty to consider the impact of our work on heritage, culture and land. Beyond just seeking to minimise harm during construction, now is the time to begin looking for opportunities to enhance and champion positive outcomes into the future.

Maggie Douglas, Contemporary Aboriginal artist

We are excited to work with clients to help them dig into their impacts and find a way forward that is localised, inclusive, resilient and regenerative. First Nations culture and knowledge is strong and rich, and reflecting this in what we do leads to better projects, better business and a better country for everyone.

Indigenous rangers are on the front line of caring for and healing land and sea country across Australia. We’ve been using this map to find out about the work that rangers are doing in our local areas and how we can support them.

We also support the Uluru Statement from the heart to enable a First Nations Voice to be heard. you can also do this by;

1.Writing to your MP.

2. Donating to the From the Heart Campaign.

3. Signing the Uluru Statement.

Across our three core offices – on Whadjuk Nyoongar Country (Perth), Gadigal Country (Sydney) and Muwinina Country (Hobart) – Perspektiv acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures and to their elders past, present and emerging.

Understanding who your stakeholders are, how best to engage them, and what they expect can be tricky. Get in touch for a chat, we enjoy contemplating new challenges and opportunities, and are always happy to share ideas. Together we will find a better way.


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